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Smithfield Awards - Entry Form

Please complete your entry form by Friday 16th February latest.

Product will be received on Wednesday 13th March for evaluation on the following 2 days using a well-proven rating system from which will be selected Gold, Silver & Bronze Award winners.

All Gold Award winning products in each category will then be assessed for the category champion ‘Smithfield Diamond Award. The supreme champion Smithfield Platinum Award will be selected from a shortlist of the Diamond Award Winners on the morning of the Awards lunch at Butchers Hall on Wednesday 24th April.

The Smithfield Platinum Award and Smithfield Diamond Award winners will be announced at the Awards Lunch.

View product category details
Product Category

Enter the product name, description and allergen information for each product category selected.

Enter a name for your product you are submitting.

Up to 50 words, provide a product description. Use this to inform and drive up judges expectations e.g. a regional speciality pork pie made from outdoor reared Tamworth Pork. Also good for explaining what a product contains if the name does not make it clear.

Please state any allergens that may be used as ingredients. Allergen information is optional when submitting, but MUST be labelled on the product when submitted.

Q Guild Young Butcher of the Year

Sort-Code: 20-57-40
Account Number: 30050199
Quote reference: SA24 plus your business name